P.BYU I. Didymus the Blind‘s Commentary on Psalms 26:10-29:2 and 36:1-3. Turnhout, Brepols, 2019; xv + 210 pp. (edited with T. W. Mackay and G. Schwendner .
The publication of this important material is long overdue and has been delayed on account of a number of circumstances. Nevertheless, due to the determination and persistence of various individuals, this important material has now come to see the light of day. These important papyri will not only further illuminate the biblical exegesis of Didymus the Blind, the famous Alexandrian exegete of the late fourth-century, but will also offer new insights into late antique Christianity, education, and scribal practice and literary production. In comparison to the previously published editions of Didymus’ Commentary on Psalms, the present edition is somewhat expanded and includes detailed notes and commentary as well as a diplomatic transcription in addition to the articulated transcription of the text. It is hoped that these additional features will aid the reader of this text and enrich the volume as a whole.